The Brumidi Lodge together with the Town of Babylon Town Clerk Gerry Compitello and Councilman Anthony Manetta will host its 2nd Annual Italian Food Festival on Saturday, May 17, 2025 from 12 pm to 5 pm on the Great Lawn at Town Hall in Lindenhurst. Rain Date May 18.
The event will include a Membership Tent for those interested in learning about and/or joining the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America, a variety of Food Vendors, Live Music, DJ, the LaFamiglia Cadillac Club, an opportunity to learn about the Town of Babylon Italian History and so much more!
Bring a pasta or sauce donation to support Councilman Manetta’s 6th Annual ‘Pasta & Sauce Food Drive’.
Additional Parking with Free Shuttle Bus Service available at the Lindenhurst Train Station.