Welcome to the Constantino Brumidi Lodge Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America. Located on Rte 231 in Deer Park, NY, our lodge building / catering hall is conveniently located off the Long Island Expressway, Northern State Parkway, Southern State Parkway, and Sunrise Highway. We sponsor many functions and benefits throughout the year. Many of these functions are available to non members as well.
Membership in our local chapter has the added benefit of being part of our lodge, where we host many functions in addition to regularly scheduled Vegas nights. In addition, the main hall is available to rent for weddings or other private parties.
In 1968, armed with a strong compulsion to further aid and abet the causes of the Italian-American, Mario Mesisco gathered some friends, including John and Mary De Francesco of the Enrico Fardella Lodge of the Bronx, N.Y. for the sole purpose of establishing a Lodge within the framework of the Order of the Sons of Italy in America.
Naturally a name had to be given to this new Lodge, and it had to be a name of significance and importance. Or perhaps even a name of an Italian deeply
immersed in Italian history or lore.
After a great deal of research and discussion, the name chosen was Constantino Brumidi, aptly called the “Michaelangelo of the U.S. Capitol”, and who is considered one of the greatest artists ever to enhance or embellish the inner beauty of the Rotunda of our nation’s Capitol and an artist whose name conjures up images of some of the greatest artistic accomplishments ever witnessed by the naked eye.
The name of Constantino Brumidi and the members who formed the nucleus were forwarded to the Grand Lodge for Charter approval. The Grand Lodge approved the Charter February 28, 1969, and the Constantino Brumidi Lodge became a reality. Mario Mesisco was chosen to be Venerable. The Brumidi Lodge naturally owes a tribute to all the Charter members.
As with most young Organizations, the Brumidi Lodge found itself beset with many insurmountable obstacles, and at this stage of development strong leaders were being sought after. News of the Brumidi Lodge swept through the Community like wildfire, and new members were coming in at a surprising rate. A building was needed to house the members, and long range planning was put into work. During those early days of the late sixties to the late seventies, the Constantino Brumidi Lodge met in motels, in rooms of various organizations, in cafeterias. Then in the early seventies through the benevolence of our Brother Member Guy Mangano, we used the building next to the Mangano Funeral Home as our Lodge Headquarters for several years. After awhile we rented and renovated a building on Brook Avenue, Deer Park, and it was here that we held our activities for four years.
Soon the Brumidi Lodge rose to greater heights and finally spacious property on Deer Park Avenue was purchased. It is here that our building now stands. The Constantino Brumidi Lodge building is a lasting tribute to the men and women who performed with courage, strength and determination. The entrepreneurship of the Brumidi Lodge was soon in evidence as it established Bingo, Las Vegas sessions, Night at the Races, Scholarship programs for children of the membership, Health and Welfare programs for the members, Italian Feasts, Dances for all occasions, a Blood Bank, and many other programs that were beneficial to the community-at-large.
One of the greatest achievements that the Brumidi Lodge takes great pride and enormous satisfaction in, is the effort, spirit, cooperation, and loyalty it gave to Brother Tony Casamento in his long and depressing fight to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor, an award he so richly deserved. It was the Brumidi Lodge, together with many other Italian-American Organizations, and the Veterans Groups, that spearheaded the drive to victory. The Grand Lodge of the Order of the Sons of Italy in America provided its strength and courage to assist Brother Casamento during the critical stages of his fight. After thirty-five years he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor on September 12, 1980. A tribute to him is featured in our Memorial Park/Garden located in the front of the building. A tribute to 9/11 victims includes a piece of steel commissioned from the FDNY and the World Trade Center. Please support our Memorial Park/Garen by visiting and ordering a personalized brick, tree, park bench or living bench or simply by making a donation.
The Constantino Brumidi Lodge was fortunate enough to have men whose energies, dynamics and qualities of leadership guided it to the very pinnacle of social and financial success. They were undaunted, determined and dedicated to a common cause… the perpetuation and preservation of our Italian Legacy. The Constantino Brumidi Lodge owes a dept of gratitude to so many people, for example, to its members who toiled endlessly, to the Ladies Auxiliary who worked ceaselessly and endlessly, without fanfare or publicity, to its friends and patrons who never forget it during social activities. Loyalty and support are two of the main reasons for the success of the Constantino Brumidi Lodge.
The Constantino Brumidi Lodge is Community-conscious and Civic-oriented. For over 50 years we have been caring and giving to the community at large and with God’s help we will be doing it for another 100 years. Contributions have been given to Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts of America, St. Francis Hospital Heart Fund, North Babylon Scholarship Fund, Deer Park Fire Department, Deer Park Scholarship Fund, Bishop’s Annual Appeal, Birth Defects, Cleary School for the Deaf, Cooley’s Anemia, Boy’s Town of Italy, Garibaldi’s Meucci Museum, Commission for Social Justice, etc..
For historically accurate information on Christopher Columbus, please visit https://www.columbusthetruth.org and https://www.therealcolumbus.org
Look for John DeLuca’s informative and helpful book, ‘Mezzogiorno Mistaken’ on Amazon.com. The book dispels stereotypes against Southern Italians using factual, classic, historic documentation to defend his point a view.
About our Namesake
Constantino Brumidi’s frescoes and murals can be found throughout the U.S. Capitol. His most accessible and brilliant creations include the allegorical fresco The Apotheosis of Washington in the canopy of the Rotunda and the extensive frescoes and murals in the Brumidi Corridors. These hallways on the first floor of the Senate wing are some of the most ornate and creatively decorated public spaces in the nation. Inspired by Raphael’s loggia in the Vatican, Brumidi’s work in the corridors is unique in integrating classical imagery with patriotic American themes.
Born in Rome of Italian and Greek parentage, Brumidi trained in drawing, painting, and sculpture at Rome’s prestigious Accademia di San Luca. By 1840, these artistic skills were put to good use when Brumidi and several other artists were commissioned to restore the richly decorated frescoes in the Vatican Palace. Brumidi’s career blossomed with commissions for portraits and frescoes in several churches and palaces. Following a pardon by the pope for his role in the republican revolution, Brumidi immigrated to the United States. Five years later he became a naturalized citizen.
Brumidi was hired to decorate the Capitol extension with murals and frescoes. His Capitol frescoes were probably the first true frescoes to be painted in this country. Brumidi continued to embellish the walls of the Capitol for the next 25 years.
Brumidi’s last years were spent painting the historic scenes in the Rotunda frieze. Proud of his achievements, the artist is reported to have remarked: “My one ambition and my daily prayer is that I may live long enough to make beautiful the Capitol of the one country on earth in which there is liberty.” (1) He died on February 19, 1880. Reading View. Press Alt Shift A for accessibility help.
On July 11th, 2012, a Congressional Gold Medal was presented posthumously to Constantino Brumidi (1805–1880) during a ceremony at the U.S. Capitol Building. The award, authorized by Public Law 110–259, was in recognition of his contributions to our Nation as a designer of murals in the U.S. Capitol, including those in the Senate Reception Room, the President’s Room, the Senate Appropriations Committee Rooms and the Brumidi Corridors. He is widely known for his iconic masterpiece, “The Apotheosis of Washington,” located in the eye of the Capitol dome, and the Frieze of American History, located around its base. Brumidi also created the first tribute to an African American in the Capitol with the figure of Crispus Attucks, the focal point of his fresco of the Boston Massacre.
A Lapel pin with his image is available at the Constantino Brumidi Lodge #2211 in Deer Park for a nominal cost. Apparel such as Fleece Lined Jackets, Polo Shirts, Turtleneck Shirts and Sweatshirts are also available for sale at the Lodge.
The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) was founded on June 22, 1905 at 203 Grand Street in New York City. An Italian immigrant, Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro, and five compatriots; pharmacist Ludovico Ferrari, attorney Antonio Marzullo, sculptor Giuseppe Carlino and barbers Pietro Viscardi and Robert Merlo, created the organization to unite men and women of Italian heritage under one banner in order to preserve and disseminate the large cultural heritage of Italy. They also felt a need to promote and advance their progress everywhere within the framework of American society.
When OSIA was founded, it took its name from “L’Ordine Figli d’Italia,” which is Italian for “The Order of Children of Italy”. In America, the name was converted to its present masculine form (“Order Sons of Italy”), and has been preserved as such for name recognition and legacy purposes.
OSIA has provided a community in which both men and women of Italian descent have preserved and nurtured their Italian heritage. It continues to thrive, meeting the initial objectives of its founders through a wide variety of community, cultural, social, charitable, educational, patriotic and civic activities.
As OSIA passed its 100th year of service, it has grown into the largest and most demographically diverse organization representing 23 million men and women of Italian heritage on the North American continent. The National office of the Order Sons of Italy in America is located in Washington, D.C. and represents over 700 local chapters across the country. Men and women share equal status within OSIA (DBA: OSDIA), as do individuals of all professions and ages.